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Your request to link to UniProt for Fibroblast activation protein alpha

Target EnzymaticKineticITCArticlesDownloads
Primary IDUniProt Recommended NameSecondary IDsBindingDB NameKiIC50KdEC50koffkonLigProt
Q12884Prolyl endopeptidase FAPO00199 Q53TP5 Q86Z29 Q99998 Q9UID4Prolyl endopeptidase FAP504520000036
Q12884Prolyl endopeptidase FAPO00199 Q53TP5 Q86Z29 Q99998 Q9UID4Prolyl endopeptidase FAP504520000036
Q12884Prolyl endopeptidase FAPO00199 Q53TP5 Q86Z29 Q99998 Q9UID4Prolyl endopeptidase FAP504520000036
Q12884Prolyl endopeptidase FAPO00199 Q53TP5 Q86Z29 Q99998 Q9UID4Prolyl endopeptidase FAP504520000036
Q12884Prolyl endopeptidase FAPO00199 Q53TP5 Q86Z29 Q99998 Q9UID4Prolyl endopeptidase FAP504520000036